Welcome To Feres's Portfolio

Let's Talk

Upwork Testimonials


It was great working with Feres, he is knowledgeable and it's easy to communicate and discuss ideas. Hope to have the opportunity to work with Feres again in the future.

Spécialiste SEO en Tunisie
SEO Expert Tunsia

Best Of My Work

consultant seo tunisie


DasMaktab is a Multilangual service Website , that was Built using WordPress (PHP and Javascript Customization)

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BrodTunis is a Multilingual Portfolio Website built with WordPress to show the gallery of BrodTunis

(PHP , JavaScript .. ) 

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This Website was built for the Tunisian Company Ecomwhy 

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SaintServ is a company that provides different Services for its clients in the IT field , our mission was providing an Seo friendly website 

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Artiphany is a creative company based in California, our mission was to improve its Technical SEO with Shopify 

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Convoexpress is an English teaching center , it was built with WordPress an our mission was improving its technical Seo 

Consultant SEO en Tunisie

Anonymous Client (E-commerce Field)

Improving the Organic traffic for a client in the e-commerce field , without making him buy any backlinks , it was just On-Page Seo and Technical Seo 

Web developement

  • Laravel

  • VueJs

  • Python

  • WordPress

  • Shopify


  • On-page

  • Off-Page

  • Technical Seo

  • Google Analytics 4

  • Google Search console

Technologies and Platforms

Custom code or CMS , Web developement and Seo , I'm here to create your Seo friendly website and improve technical SEO for your current Website 

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